An Invitation to the Joy of Generosity
There are many things that I have devoted my time, money, and energy to that have made me joyful…for a time! A new surfboard, a new truck...but the joy in these things fades away.
When I have given my same resources to people who are hurting or something with Gods Kingdom, the joy doesn’t fade like those other things. I can look back on those things and still find joy in the fact that I was able to contribute to something higher than myself. — Andy Butler, Stewardship Committee
It's an Invitation
As God’s children, created in his image, we are born to be loving and generous. Our generosity journeys begin with an understanding of God’s blessings in our lives. We can be generous with our words, attention, money, influence, possessions, and time. Examining where we are on our path of generosity is an invitation to a deeper relationship with God.
It's About Discipleship
Our stewardship campaign is not just a way of raising a ministry budget. It is God’s way of raising disciples and an inseparable part of our growing in the likeness of Christ. God does not need our money; instead, our giving is an outward act of gratitude and trust. As our outward act of discipleship, more than 10% of every dollar you give to Trinity Parish supports local and global missions that feed the hungry, serve the needy, and support families in our city and world.
A Message from the Rector
Let's be a church on the move - striking our tents to venture trustingly and daringly where God is leading us. In this regard I ask you to consider how your pledge (estimate of giving) might be the fruit of your own discipleship journey deeper into faith. Wherever you are in relation to your pledge to Trinity Parish, listen for the Lord's invitation into your next step in generosity!
— The Rev. Matt Marino, Rector
Take Your Next Step
It is God's intention that we grow more generous and take bigger steps in our giving as we become more aware of how richly God has blessed us in Christ. Each step you take on the giving path is a spiritual response to God's goodness and blessings in our lives.
First-Time Giver
Begin to give
Intentional Giver
Plan what percentage of income to give for a year
Growing Giver
Increase your percentage of income moving toward a tithe
Begin to give a tithe (10%)
Extravagant Giver
Give beyond the tithe
I have experienced joy in giving like a peace that transcends understanding. Giving more should make me anxious, right? But the miracle is that giving to my church and others brings joy. Ask people who are givers. They all say the same thing!"