Ministries in the Church

List of Ministries

Worship Ministries

Altar Guild: Prepares and cares for our altar, Sunday flowers, and holiday decorations. A wonderful team with a heart for worship.

Acolytes: Teams of youth and adults who serve in processions and on the altar. This ancient ministry develops responsibility, decorum, knowledge, leadership skills and Christian commitment for all ages 9+. Fellowship, friendships and teamwork are nurtured in this sacred service.

Music: We embrace musical diversity and value the contributions of vocalists and musicians of all ages, regardless of skill level. Our music is curated to align with the liturgical calendar and encompass both traditional and modern selections and instrumentation.

Production Team: Supports our services through sound, camera and livestream operation.

Read, Pray, Chalice: Eucharistic ministers, licensed by the diocese, read the lessons (Lectors), lead the Prayers, and serve the chalice during Sunday services.

Vergers: Described as “the concierge of the church”, vergers assist visitors, marshal processions, prepare for and oversee the liturgy, and train and direct lay worship leaders and acolytes. The “virge” (rod) is the symbol of the Verger’s office.

Hospitality Ministries

Sunday Fuel Team: Provide coffee and beverages between services.

First Impressions Team: from the parking lot to the pew – lot, welcome table and ushers help people have a wonderful first experience of Trinity.

Weekday Ministries

Daughters of the King: Women extending Christ’s Kingdom through prayer, service and evangelism – dedicated to strengthening Trinity’s spiritual life and hosting funeral receptions.

Docents: Share Trinity’s history with visitors from around the world.

St. Catherine’s Guild: Women building community in spiritual growth, fellowship and service through events and operation of the Trinity Thrift Shop.

Trinity Gardners: Keep Trinity beautiful with a Thursday morning team.

Trinity Men: Men spreading Christ’s kingdom through prayer, fellowship and service. Our men build Habitat homes, build ramps for the mobility impaired, stock our local food pantry on Tuesdays, and minister at the Bayview Pavilion senior center.

Wedding Guild: Act as coordinators to make weddings lovely and flawless.

Educational Ministries

Children’s Chapel: Help students experience the readings at 9:00, 10:00 and 11:15 AM services.

Children and Youth Sunday School: Assist Sunday School leader at the 10-10:50 Christian Education hour.

Youth Group “sponsor”: Help in the Sunday afternoon Youth Group.

Sunday School Class Host: Function as a greeter &/or snack person for adult classes.