Anchored in the tradition. Empowering you for today.

Welcome toTrinity Parish!

Visiting a new church can be overwhelming, but knowing what to expect can make things easier. At Trinity, we are a community centered on Jesus. Everyone is welcome, no matter who you are or what you've done. Worship with us and experience the love of God firsthand!

Worshipping With Us?

Encountering God Through Worship

At Trinity, we gather to encounter God and respond to Him in worship. We lift up the name of Jesus, grateful for His sacrifice and amazed at the way God has sought us and called us to be in relationship with himself.

Embracing Tradition

Each service is steeped in the ancient liturgical pattern honoring the glory of God; Father, Son, and Spirit through Word and Sacrament. We view each gathering as a one hour dress rehearsal for the other 167 hours of our week – a source of inspiration and empowerment for the days ahead.

Music that Points to God

At Trinity, we embrace musical diversity and value the contributions of musicians and singers of all ages, regardless of their musical skill level. Our musical selections are carefully curated to align with the liturgical calendar, encompassing both traditional and modern pieces and traditional and modern instrumentation.

What can I Expect?

You can expect to be immersed in a warm and friendly environment with preaching that is Bible-centered, Gospel-oriented and applicable to your life. Our music is unique – both meaningful and familiar. Join our family in Holy Communion this Sunday!

Sunday Worship Services

Downtown - 7:30

Length: 45 min

Musical Style: None

Children’s Chapel: No

Liturgy: Holy Communion

7:30 AM is a contemplative service of Holy Communion. The ancient prayers and responses are expressed in traditional language in a service without music. (Approximately 45 minutes)

Downtown - 9:00

Length: 55 min

Musical Style: Blended

Children’s Chapel: Yes

Liturgy: Holy Communion

9:00 AM is a energetic service of Holy Communion built on ancient practice with a blend of music, both classic and modern. The service is rooted in the historic Book of Common Prayer with a variety of contemporary instruments joining our choir and organ, and is musically accessible to anyone. (Approximately 55 minutes)

Downtown - 11:15

Length: 65 min

Musical Style: Traditional

Children’s Chapel: Yes

Liturgy: Holy Communion

11:15 AM is a classical Anglican service of Holy Communion. The ancient prayers and responses are expressed in modern language with music comprised of traditional hymns and choral anthems, featuring our majestic Aeolian-Skinner organ. (Approximately 65 minutes)

North Campus - 10:00

Length: 60 min

Musical Style: Blended

Children’s Chapel: Yes

Liturgy: Holy Communion

10:00 AM (North Campus) is an energetic service of Holy Communion built on ancient practice rooted in the historic Book of Common Prayer. The music is piano led, with a blend of hymns, both classic and modern, accessible to all. (Approximately 60 minutes)

At 9am and 11:15am: We have a nursery for infants through 3 yrs olds, and for worshippers ages 3-5th grade we have either Children’s Chapel during the Service of the Word or activity bags.

I’ve been to Trinity… What are some next steps?

We’re eager to help you feel welcomed and at ease. Recognizing that forming church relationships is unique to each individual, we understand if certain aspects of church or faith may feel unfamiliar or intimidating. Rest assured, you’re not alone in your journey. We’ve been in your shoes, and our desire is to support you in your journey toward Christ and our expression of his church. One great next step is our three meeting Newcomer Course. It meets regularly during the year and you’ll discover how the Anglican way of thinking and praying help people draw close to Jesus and walk in this world, extending God’s grace, forgiveness and hope to others.