Lent & Holy Week

at Trinity Parish

Gather with friends and family this Lent and Holy Week as we reflect on Christ’s journey to the cross and the glory of His resurrection. Through prayerful devotion, inspiring worship, and sacred hymns, we will walk through the significance of this season—from the solemn reflection of Ash Wednesday to the triumph of Easter Sunday. Let’s prepare our hearts, honor His sacrifice, and rejoice in the hope and redemption found in His resurrection.

Ash Wednesday
March 5th

Downtown Campus – 6:30 AM and Noon
North Campus – 6:30 PM with Choir

Lenten Study, Wednesday’s Starting March 12th through April 9th

Downtown Campus – 6:00 PM
North Campus – 6:00 PM

Holy Week Schedule

Palm Sunday, April 13th
Palm Sunday, April 13th

Downtown Campus – 7:15AM, 9:00 AM and 11:15 AM
North Campus – 10:00 AM

Maundy Thursday, April 17th
Maundy Thursday, April 17th

Downtown Campus – Noon
North Campus – 6:30 PM with Choir

Good Friday, April 18th
Good Friday, April 18th

Downtown Campus – Noon
North Campus – 6:30 PM with Choir

Easter, April 20th - Downtown Campus
Easter, April 20th - Downtown Campus

Easter, April 20th
Service Times: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM (Overflow in Trinity Hall), 11:15 AM (Overflow in Trinity Hall)

Easter Egg Hunt: 10:00 AM on the Lawn
Easter, April 20th - North Campus
Easter, April 20th - North Campus
Service Times: 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM
Easter Egg Hunt: 9:00 AM