Lenten Study

Downtown (Trinity Hall) & North Campus (Narthex) – 6:00 – 7:30 pm

March 12th, 19th, 26th, April 2nd, 9th

Remember You Are Dust: Planning your funeral – a study of the prayer book end-of-life liturgies to help us live in light of eternity. Bring soup, salad or bread.

I.                             March 5 – Ash Wednesday

II.                           March 12 – Ministration at the Time of Death

III.                         March 19 – The Burial of the Dead – Opening Anthems and Collects

IV.                          March 26 – The Burial of the Dead – Scripture Passages and Music Selections

V.                            April 2 – The Burial of the Dead – The Prayers of the People

VI.                          April 9 – The Burial of the Dead – Holy Communion (Preface and Post-Communion Prayer), Commendation, and Committal