North Campus
Whether you call Silverleaf, St. Johns, or any northern part of St. John’s County home, we’d love for you to join us at 10:00 AM on Sundays for worship at our North Campus! Our services are rooted in the rich, historic liturgy found in the Book of Common Prayer, with hearty singing of hymns both ancient and modern, biblical sermons from our clergy proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ, and the weekly celebration of Holy Communion. Come as you are, bring your whole family, and worship the LORD with us!

Welcome! From Fr. Curt
Welcome to Trinity Parish North Campus! I’m so glad you found us.
Trinity Parish is the oldest Protestant church in Florida, and we’re excited to plant a new campus in the Silverleaf area. Our mission is to welcome everyone into a life of grace, forgiveness, and hope in Jesus Christ.
I look forward to meeting you soon!