Ask Us

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you believe?
  • We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the revealed Word of God containing all things necessary to salvation.
  • We worship one God in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • We celebrate the Sacraments ordained by Christ himself, through the ministry of the apostolic orders.
  • We believe in the apostolic succession of bishops.
  • We are members of Christ’s body, composed of Churches which, united under the headship of Jesus, are one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
  • We hold the Faith once revealed in Holy Scripture, defined in the creeds, and maintained by the undivided Church in the undisputed Ecumenical Councils.
  • We belong to the worldwide Anglican Communion under the leadership of the Archbishop of Canterbury in the Episcopal Diocese of Florida.


What is distinctive about Trinity Parish?

Almost nothing about Trinity is unique – we are a following a simple formula: Preach the Bible, pray the Book of Common Prayer, and love our neighbor. But the one thing that we have that describes who we have been and who we are growing into is our “Cultural Markers”.

We are:
1. People in Process: God meets us where we are and we pursue Jesus together.
2. Created to Connect: Growing in union with God and unity with others, we prioritize healthy relationships with God, family, church and the world.
3. Practicing the Ancient Way: We are transformed through the wisdom and practices of the historic faith.
4. Fearlessly Generous: Responding to God’s unbounded generosity, we are here as contributors rather than consumers.
5. In God, for the World: Reaching out our hands in love, we are signposts of grace, pointing others to the magnificent Savior.

Where does your worship come from?

Our worship services come from the Book of Common Prayer. The prayer book, rooted in Scripture, is, most literally, the Bible reorganized for worship. Its services are updates from the worship of the first Christians. It includes services for the Sacraments (Baptism and Communion), Confirmation, Matrimony, Reconciliation, Burials, and prayers and guides for personal devotions.

What do you do in your worship services?

Our main Sunday service is the ancient liturgy of Holy Eucharist. “Eucharist” is the Greek word for thanksgiving, one of the words used in the New Testament for Communion.
Our worship has two parts: The Word of God and Holy Communion. We believe in the “Real Presence” of Jesus Christ in Holy Communion. All baptized Christians are welcome to receive Holy Communion. Four services are held each Sunday and each is special in its own way.

What is Episcopal?

“Episcopal” is a transliteration of the Greek word “bishop,” which is often translated “elder” in modern New Testaments. It describes the organization of our church into diocese’, each led by a bishop.

​Is Trinity newcomer friendly?

Our parishioners come from a variety of religious backgrounds and almost 80 percent of us were raised in a different denomination. You will be welcomed and encouraged in your spiritual journey at Trinity regardless of your background.

​Do You Have Bible Studies Or Youth Groups?

There are many opportunities to learn and grow in your faith at Trinity. Adult studies discuss faith issues in bible studies and book groups. Trinity also offers a youth program, and children’s and a nursery for our younger members.


​What Is Proper Dress Attire For Worship?

Come as you feel comfortable! It is Florida, so casual always works, but the air conditioning often makes the indoors chilly in the South.

​How Do I Become A Member Of Trinity?

We have a two week Newcomer’s course that runs 4 times a year with a reception in a home afterwards. Learn about our mission, meet our clergy and other newcomers. Contact to register for the next one.

Can I get married at Trinity?

We are honored to do the weddings of members who have been with us for more than a year.