I'm New

At Trinity we give people roots in Christ for thriving in an unrooted world. (Col.2:7) We do this by worshipping according to the ancient rhythms of the church, helping people walk with God, and working for good in the world.

Hello and Welcome

to Trinity

I extend a warm invitation to check out Trinity – a church where you can thrive spiritually, find meaningful connections, and opportunities for difference-making service. We would love to assist you in getting connected!

We understand that attending a new church can feel daunting, but having an idea of what to anticipate can ease the process. At Trinity Parish, we hold a firm belief that the essence of church lies in fostering connections — connections with Jesus and connections with each other. Therefore, we’re eager to learn your name and hear your unique story. As you’ve landed on this page, we assume you’re interested in getting to know us better too. Feel free to explore the links below to gain further insight into who we are and what we stand for.
– Stephanie Jenkins, Director of Engagement