Members of Trinity’s St. Monica Chapter of the Daughters of the King travelled to the Kanuga Conference Center near Hendersonville, NC, in early October.  Members from throughout the Southeast gather annually, except in the year of the General Convention, to conduct the business of the Order as well as to enjoy worship and fellowship and to participate in workshops.  Our attendees were Secretary Beverley Hasenbalg, Margaret Wiles, new member Jamie Brown, Connie Becker, and Pat Richardson.  Travelling with them was Dorothy Thompson, president of the St. Theresa Chapter from St. Thomas in Palm Coast.  Dorothy is standing on the far left in the group photo.  Also shown in the group shot, standing between Margaret and Jamie, is Pam Pierce, the incoming Diocesan President from St. Philip’s in Jacksonville.

Jamie and Dorothy are shown with their respective chapters’ banners.  “I enjoyed everything about the retreat,” Jamie said, “the women I went with, the bonding and camaraderie, the Bishop and priest.  It was very prayerful and literally brought you closer to God.”

The photograph taken inside the Chapel of the Transfiguration is adorned with flowers, each one representing a Daughter who died during the past year.  The colorful ribbons that are draped from the ceiling contain prayers.

Connie has been to the Fall Assembly many times.  When asked what the highlight was for her this time, she said: “The workshop on joy.  The woman who led it had received a tough diagnosis and had been receiving treatment.  What she started out viewing as poison to her body, she later called a “potion,” as she prayed a blessing over it.  Connie added that there can be many things that keep us from experiencing joy such as anger, unforgiveness, and grief we haven’t dealt with.

Our chapter is named after Monica (c. 332-387) an early North African Christian saint and the mother of Augustine of Hippo.