Sandy Goode Care Ministries Coordinator

The following is offered to Trinity parishioners by Regina Zoske, LEV Leader:

“Do you know how your presence impacts me weekly?  The pew where I sit, I watch as you line up to go to the altar to receive God’s body and blood. Each of you encourage me in my own life as I witness your devotion. I am filled with joy that witnesses to me throughout the week. So it’s not only important to show up for God, but it gives life to all of us as we do corporate worship together.”

Lay Eucharistic Visitors:
Regina and Bill recently hosted a ministry party at their home; food and fellowship were abundant! These visitors appreciate the relationships they have with those to whom they bring the Eucharist. One visitor was able to sing the service with the person receiving – both have good voices!

Hospital Visitors:
Mary recently held a training session for three new members of the ministry: Andy Butler, David Greer and Robert McTyre. Visitors from Trinity provide short visits with parishioners in Flagler Hospital. They also offer visits to other folks who list “Episcopal” at admission. Prayer for healing and good recovery is often part of the visit. At times hospital staff have requested prayer or asked if a visitor would be willing to visit a patient not on the Trinity list.

Healing Ministry:

Monthly meetings are focused on the healing ministry of Jesus with study and prayer. The November meeting had folks attending via Zoom as well as in person. Photo of meeting. Trinity is blessed to have the opportunity for prayer ministry offered during the Eucharist and at other times if desired. We are thankful to have Fr. Caleb as Spiritual Director. Photo of prayer in St. Peter’s Chapel – image doctored to remove identities.